About Us
OMNI SSD is a LED lighting company specializing in ‘Commercial LED Lighting’.
OMNI SSD is an innovative LED lighting company, having its headquarters based in California (USA). OMNI SSD’s primary focus has been to offer cutting edge LED lighting solutions with economical solutions. All of our technology-centered, state-of-the-art LED products are designed, engineered and assembled in the USA with additional assembly worldwide.
OMNI SSD strives to provide lighting solutions that foster sustainable global growth, champions stewardship in the allocation and conservation of scarce resources and cultivates energy efficient products designed to reduce emissions and protect our environment.
OMNI SSD endeavors to cooperate and enter partnerships with other leading technology companies to enhance and advance total energy saving solutions for the continuing benefit of our customers.
OMNI SSD is strategically invested and committed to the research and development of emerging technologies to expand our current product life cycles and expand the value of our future product offerings. We realize that the continued improvement of our human team to recognize and capitalize on these opportunities will ensure generations of outstanding lighting solutions that feature minimal power requirements.